What’s in a new social game? Fundamentally, a game is an “experience” built around a series of interactions between the player, the content, and other players. Sure, the concept of the game, the storyline, the characters, and social components all have a huge influence on the game experience. But at the heart of a game’s attraction are the objects in the game world, the mechanics associated with these objects and the rewards offered to players. To power all this virtual activity you need a high-performance and scalable database.

In this blog, I’ll share how Couchbase can be used to power your basic game elements – Objects, Actions and Rewards

Game Objects

When you build an online social game, you typically represent elements that are part of the game world. They are called game objects and can be game characters, vanity items, functional items and buffs, etc. These object impacted by events in the game.  Some examples follow


Game Object Type Document Value
“type”: “player”,
“uuid”: “35767d02-­???a958”,
“name”: “DonPinto4540”,
“loggedIn”: false




In Couchbase, JSON documents are used to model game objects and are identified using the document id. For these documents, the type field is used to define the type of the object being stored.

Game Actions

As part of game play, players perform actions that may lead to the game objects being updated or changed. For example, players can move to different areas of a map, perform actions and earn rewards, and retrieve the coordinates of other players’ that are currently in the game.  Each such player action translates to viewing, adding, removing or updating documents in the database.  
In reality, social games have multiple players playing concurrently and their actions might impact the same object. As an example, actions performed in a game may require “energy” and once a player runs out “energy”, they need to recharge. Items such as speedup and energy packs are pretty common in social games give a quick boost of “energy” to the player. But the fun comes from competing for the limited number of “energy” packs in the game. Access to shared game objects needs to be synchronized to avoid conflicts and to maintain a consistent game state. Couchbase Server provides both optimistic and pessimistic concurrency control.
Here’s how to use these concurrency mechanisms. Let’s say two players want to attach the same tree-house at the same time. By using the CAS methods and retry logic, game programmers can guarantee atomic updates of global shared game objects to maintain consistent game state.

Game Rewards

Most games have a structure composed of a cycle of actions and rewards. Scoring systems are used in games to allow players to measure how well they have mastered the game and also to make it a little addictive. A leaderboard is typically used to record players with top scores.

Game leaderboards can be created in Couchbase Server 2.0 using views. A view in Couchbase is written using map/reduce functions that generate an index. For the JSON game objects shown in the game objects section, a map function (as shown below) can be used to generate a list of player scores. If the jsonType field of the document is of type player, we emit the score of the player and the id.

function (doc) {

 if (doc.jsonType == “player”){

   emit([“Score”,  doc.score], doc._id);



The map function above can be used to create a leaderboard of sorts. Well, it depends on how we query it. Views can be queried using the REST API or using other SDKs such as PHP.

  1. To query the view using REST you can use the following curl command –

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json'



  1. To query the view using PHP you can use the code snippet as shown below and print out the top 10 player scores –  

/* Setup couchbase connection object */

$lbview = $cb->getView(bucketname, viewname);

$apage = $lbview->getResult(array(“descending” => true));

$rowCtr = 0;

foreach($apage->rows AS $row) {

 if($rowCtr <= 9)


  printf(“Score %s for user %s.n, $row->key[1], $row->value);

   $rowCtr = $rowCtr + 1;





Final Thoughts

There’s a bit of application code that has to occur here to translate the mapreduce view output into a useful format but in general crankin’ out a leaderboard using Couchbase is super easy. I hope this helps someone utilize the new features of Couchbase Server 2.0 (views). For a more detailed look at views, see the docs : http://www.couchbase.com/docs/couchbase-manual-2.0/couchbase-views.html
Game On!


Posted by Don Pinto, Principal Product Manager, Couchbase

Don Pinto is a Principal Product Manager at Couchbase and is currently focused on advancing the capabilities of Couchbase Server. He is extremely passionate about data technology, and in the past has authored several articles on Couchbase Server including technical blogs and white papers. Prior to joining Couchbase, Don spent several years at IBM where he maintained the role of software developer in the DB2 information management group and most recently as a program manager on the SQL Server team at Microsoft. Don holds a master's degree in computer science and a bachelor's in computer engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada.


  1. Would views be fast enough to generate leaderboards out of each user\’s Facebook friends?

  2. Getting player rankings with a view:

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