Tag: linq2couchbase

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 5 – ASP.NET CRUD

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 5 – ASP.NET CRUD

Part 1 covered how to install and setup Couchbase on Windows Part 2 covered some Couchbase lingo that you’ll need to know Part 3 showed the very simplest example of using Couchbase in ASP.NET In Part 4, I did some...

May 31, 2016
Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 4 – Linq2Couchbase

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 4 – Linq2Couchbase

Part 1 covered how to install and setup Couchbase on Windows Part 2 covered some Couchbase lingo that you’ll need to know Part 3 showed the very simplest example of using Couchbase in ASP.NET In this blog post, I’m going...

May 18, 2016
Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 2

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 2

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 2 – Lingo This blog post is part 2 of a series. Part 1 covered how to install and setup Couchbase on Windows. In part 1 – Setup, I showed the very basics...

May 9, 2016
Released: Linq2Couchbase v1.1.0 the official Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL!

Released: Linq2Couchbase v1.1.0 the official Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL!

Released: Linq2Couchbase v1.1.0 the official Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL! Earlier this week we released v1.1.0 (specifically v1.1.0.2) of Linq2Couchbase, the official Linq Provider for Couchbase Server and N1QL! This release includes new and experimental features as well as bug...

Introducing Linq2Couchbase Developer Preview 1: The Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL!

Introducing Linq2Couchbase Developer Preview 1: The Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL!

*Sample code for this post is available in the couchbase-net-examples project here. I am very excited to announce developer preview #1 of the official Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL! This is a very early pre-release to introduce the provider, preview...

Couchbase LINQ Provider GA: LINQ, N1QL and Couchbase, oh mai!

Couchbase LINQ Provider GA: LINQ, N1QL and Couchbase, oh mai!

Today Couchbase is happy to announce the GA release of the official LINQ provider for Couchbase Server and the hot query language for JSON documents, N1QL! The goal of the provider is to provide a simple, easy to use ORM/ODM...