Tag: Java

Couchbase Java SDK 2.2 Developer Preview 1

Couchbase Java SDK 2.2 Developer Preview 1

On behalf of the SDK Team, it is my pleasure to introduce the next big release for the Java SDK, the 2.2 version. The team has been working hard to bring you new awesome features, and today we think it’s...

Advanced Spring Data Couchbase

Advanced Spring Data Couchbase

In the previous two posts we looked at getting started with Spring Data Couchbase. Now it’s time to get a little more sophisticated (keeping in mind that sophisticated or advanced does not mean more complicated). Let’s look at some of the great stuff...

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 2

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 2

On behalf of the SDK Engineering Team, I’m happy to introduce the second developer preview for the Couchbase JCache implementation. This new preview is still work in progress, a few features have been added and polished since last preview. As always,...

Storing Timestamped Metrics in Couchbase with Spring

Storing Timestamped Metrics in Couchbase with Spring

Storing Timestamped Metrics in Couchbase with Spring I have previously blogged an intro to Spring Data Couchbase. This post is a follow-up. I will show you how I use Spring social connectors to store data coming from Twitter. Document Structure...

An Intro to Spring Data Couchbase

An Intro to Spring Data Couchbase

An Intro to Spring Data Couchbase Right now I am trying to get an understanding of who is the Couchbase community, including how many people read these blos posts, follow us on our social network pages, ask questions on our...

Preview using N1QL DP4 from the Java SDK

Preview using N1QL DP4 from the Java SDK

As some of you may know, the Query Team over at Couchbase have been working hard on a new and exciting feature, N1QL, which brings the power of query languages (like SQL) to Couchbase. They just release Developer Preview 4...

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 1

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 1

On behalf of the SDK Engineering Team, I’m happy to announce that we’ve worked on an implementation of the JCache specification (JSR107) and so a developer preview is in order! The JCache specification allows developers to build their applications around...

What’s new in the Couchbase Java SDK 1.2

What’s new in the Couchbase Java SDK 1.2

[This blog was syndicated from http://nitschinger.at/] For all users of our Java SDK, we prepared some nice additions for you. This post covers them in detail and shows how you can get more productive Note that this blog post assumes...

Michael Nitschinger December 17, 2014