Tag: Java

Ratpack, Couchbase and RxJava

Ratpack, Couchbase and RxJava

Yesterday I left you with rough code that started a Ratpack server and used a synchronous Couchbase repository, leaving the RxJava part out. I intend to fix that today, and also tell you more about Ratpack. I am not going...

Couchbase as a First Class Citizen of Spring Boot 1.4

Couchbase as a First Class Citizen of Spring Boot 1.4

Spring Boot 1.4.0 MILESTONE 2 is out! This is a good time to tell you about the joint effort between Spring Boot team members and the Couchbase Java SDK team to offer a first class integration of Couchbase into Spring...

Preview of Full Text Search in Couchbase using the Java SDK

Preview of Full Text Search in Couchbase using the Java SDK

In this blog post, we’ll have a look at the preview API for full text search in Couchbase 4.5. Please note that this API, released in the latest Java SDK  (2.2.4), is still @Experimental. We’ll cover: Full Text Search in...

Spring Data Couchbase 2 is out! Quick getting started with Spring Initializr

Spring Data Couchbase 2 is out! Quick getting started with Spring Initializr

Good News everyone, Spring Data Couchbase 2 was released last week and is now available on the awesome Spring Initializr. This awesome website let you start a Spring/Couchbase project very quickly. Just select the dependencies you want for your project,...

Announcing Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 RELEASE

Announcing Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 RELEASE

Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 is a rewrite of the original Spring Data Couchbase 1.4.x connector. It is based on the Couchbase Java 2.2 SDK and makes heavy use of the new query language N1QL (which was introduced in Couchbase Server...

Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 Release Candidate for Christmas

Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 Release Candidate for Christmas

As a gift for Christmas we wanted to make a quick announcement that the Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 Release Candidate is now out! You can get your hands on this RC by adding the following Maven snapshot repository from Spring in your pom.xml (if you don’t already have...

Spring Data Couchbase: A New Generation (2.0 Preview)

Spring Data Couchbase: A New Generation (2.0 Preview)

The Spring Data Couchbase community project has been historically built upon the 1.4 generation of the official Couchbase Java SDK, although the SDK 2.0 has been out for quite some time. But now is definitely a great time to upgrade...

Using Couchbase Java SDK to write a Vert.x Verticle

Using Couchbase Java SDK to write a Vert.x Verticle

In this post we’ll go reactive all the way! Some Couchbase customers use Vert.x, a framework for writing fully asynchronous applications, knowing that the Couchbase Java SDK fits well into this picture, being asynchronous from the ground up and exposing...

Couchbase Mobile Mini-Hack Challenge

Couchbase Mobile Mini-Hack Challenge

If there is one thing you should learn this year, it’s how to build mobile apps that work both online and offline.  You will be blown away with how awesome your apps are once you start building them this way. ...

Wayne Carter December 16, 2015
Developing an Application With Couchbase and Java

Developing an Application With Couchbase and Java

A few months back I wrote a thorough tutorial on how to use the Couchbase Java SDK to create an application around the Couchbase 4.0 sample data. However, I never explained the thought process behind developing such an application or...

Moving Couch

Moving Couch

I recently saw a question on our forums where someone wanted to move some data from CouchDB to Couchbase. Since I usually help friends in need when they are moving, I thought I would help. Moving requires preparation, especially with...

Traveling with Couchbase using the Java SDK

Traveling with Couchbase using the Java SDK

At Couchbase Connect 2015 we demonstrated an example application that uses N1QL to query data from a sample Couchbase bucket. If you missed the conference, not a problem. We're going to go through how to reproduce this application and check...