Tag: IoT

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

Note: This post uses the the Couchbase Analytics Data Definition Language as of the version 5.5 preview release.  For updates and information on breaking changes in newer versions, please refer to Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service. The application built for...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Configuring the Application

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Configuring the Application

Note: This post uses the the Couchbase Analytics Data Definition Language as of the version 5.5 preview release.  For updates and information on breaking changes in newer versions, please refer to Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service. For the Couchbase Connect...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: IoT Temperature Sensing Up Close

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: IoT Temperature Sensing Up Close

During Couchbase Connect Silicon Valley last Fall, we went through an extensive demonstration application that showed many of the capabilities of the Couchbase Data Platform. You can see the full video of the demonstration here. In some parts of the...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Couchbase Connect 2017 SV Demo Technical Overview

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Couchbase Connect 2017 SV Demo Technical Overview

Last Fall we showed a 30 minute live demo of a full stack application written using a broad range of the Couchbase Data Platform capabilities. This was at the Couchbase Connect Silicon Valley 2017 conference.   In this introductory post,...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: The Couchbase Connect 2017 Silicon Valley Technical Demo

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: The Couchbase Connect 2017 Silicon Valley Technical Demo

A Full Stack Application Built Using the Couchbase Data Platform This past year, at the annual Couchbase Connect conference in Silicon Valley, we were proud to present a technical demonstration showing much of the breadth of the Couchbase Data Platform...

Collecting iBeacon Data with Couchbase and Raspberry Pi IoT Devices

Collecting iBeacon Data with Couchbase and Raspberry Pi IoT Devices

Not too long ago I wrote about using Couchbase to synchronize data on an Intel IoT Gateway device.  In this project I was creating a Java application that was installed to an IoT device that had bluetooth and wireless internet...

Embed Couchbase in an IoT Project for Data Synchronization

Embed Couchbase in an IoT Project for Data Synchronization

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming all the rage lately. Being able to craft any mechanical device, for example watches, televisions, thermostats, and have them communicate over the internet is the modern age. In this modern age, one thing...

Talking Beacons, IoT, P2P and Couchbase Mobile

Talking Beacons, IoT, P2P and Couchbase Mobile

Talking Beacons, IoT, P2P and Couchbase Mobile Yesterday I went to Fosdem to talk about Couchbase, IoT, beacons, P2P and the cool things you can do along those lines. Beacons A beacon is an object that can emit a signal...

Let your Devices talk to each other

Let your Devices talk to each other

Last week I was speaking at WebCamp Zagreb, a great conference for developers and designers. I gave a presentation entitled ‘Let your devices talk to each other’. For the demo part I did a very simple message app that syncs automatically...

Internet of Things (IoT), it’s not Big Data

Internet of Things (IoT), it’s not Big Data

That's right. The Internet of Things is not big data. It's continuous data. If big data is an ocean, continuous data is a tributary. And… A tributary does not flow directly into a sea or ocean. Wikipedia Nor does data...

The Internet of Everything, the Pinnacle of Convergence?

The Internet of Everything, the Pinnacle of Convergence?

Is the Internet of Everything the pinnacle of convergence? Yes. Yes it is. It’s where mobile, IoT / M2M, cloud and big data converge. Where? The smart refrigerator. Again (link). IoT / M2M The smart refrigerator generates data. It generates...