Tag: Error handling

Manage 429 RateLimit Errors with Spring WebClient

Manage 429 RateLimit Errors with Spring WebClient

I have recently taken over the maintenance of a Spring Boot project. This project has some RateLimit errors in the logs when the app was contacting a remote REST API. Turns out that this app was also using the synchronous,...

From N1QL to JavaScript and back – Part 4: Error Handling

From N1QL to JavaScript and back – Part 4: Error Handling

In previous blogs, we have covered executing N1QL from JavaScript functions, processing documents through iterators, and manipulating data. We now move onto handling errors from N1QL statements. Error handling When an error of any nature is encountered, the jsevaluator by...

Error handling in the Java client library

Error handling in the Java client library

In my previous blog article, we looked at the errors thrown by libCouchbase clients such as ruby, python, C and C++. This blog will focus on the Java client library for Couchbase. In the Java client library, there are exceptions,...

PHP SDK 2.0.0 Developer Preview

PHP SDK 2.0.0 Developer Preview

Over the past few months, the SDK development team has been working on defining a new interface for interacting with the SDKs, dubbed SDK 2.0 (not directly related to PHP SDK 2.0.0 which merely happens to implement a large portion...