Tag: dml

5 Steps to Streamline Your N1QL Queries & Migrate to Collections

5 Steps to Streamline Your N1QL Queries & Migrate to Collections

If you’re looking to migrate your data from a relational database to NoSQL, then now’s a better time than ever. The recent release of Couchbase 7.0 introduced Scopes and Collections – a new way to organize your JSON data. More...

Binh Le August 16, 2021
The N1QL Query Language Now Supports Distributed ACID Transactions

The N1QL Query Language Now Supports Distributed ACID Transactions

Multi-document, distributed ACID transactions are now available in Couchbase as part of the N1QL query language. Couchbase introduced ACID transactions in its v6.5 release with the Couchbase SDKs, and this has now been extended to the Couchbase N1QL Query Service...

Binh Le August 2, 2021
Coffee on Couchbase: A 4.1 Release Discussion

Coffee on Couchbase: A 4.1 Release Discussion

Next week on December 16th 2015 at 2:00PM Pacific Time, we will be having a webinar as part of our Coffee on Couchbase series focusing on the latest 4.1 release. Don Pinto and myself (Nic Raboy), will be getting together...