Tag: Data structures

Data Structures & Full-Text Search Indexing in Couchbase

Data Structures & Full-Text Search Indexing in Couchbase

This is Part 3 of a series examining Data Structures in NoSQL databases. In this post, we use Full-Text Search natural language queries against data structures in Couchbase. Part 1: Data Structures for NoSQL Applications we used simplified JSON data...

March 16, 2021
Data Structures & Queries with Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)

Data Structures & Queries with Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)

In the Data Structures for NoSQL Applications post, we used simplified JSON data access through native collections, maps, and more. This post demonstrates querying that data using higher-level N1QL queries, the SQL-based language for JSON. Developers can focus on managing...

January 27, 2021
Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

This article introduces Data Structures and how they work with Couchbase Server 7.0 Scopes and Collections features. What are data structures? Couchbase Data Structures is an API feature that aligns the language of the database interface with a programming language....

January 22, 2021
Data structures with Couchbase and .NET (video)

Data structures with Couchbase and .NET (video)

In February, I wrote a blog about using data structures with .NET (and .NET Core): List, Queue, and Dictionary. Now, I’ve created a video to show the same concepts in action. How to use Couchbase Data Structures with .NET [youtube...

March 27, 2017
SDK Features – New For Couchbase 4.6

SDK Features – New For Couchbase 4.6

Along with this week’s Couchbase Server 4.6 release we have a super packed release with several new SDK features to help you streamline development. From efficiently managed Data Structures to the latest support for .NET Core, it is time to update to...

February 16, 2017
Data Structures: Native Collections New in Couchbase 4.6

Data Structures: Native Collections New in Couchbase 4.6

Data Structures in Couchbase 4.6 is our newest time-saving SDK feature.  These allow your client applications to easily map your array-based JSON data into language specific structures. Leveraging native collections support in Couchbase will save you time and hassle: Easily map JSON...

February 16, 2017
Introducing Couchbase .NET 2.4.0 – .NET Core GA

Introducing Couchbase .NET 2.4.0 – .NET Core GA

This release is the official GA release for .NET Core support for the Couchbase .NET SDK! .NET Core is the latest incarnation of the .NET framework and its described as “.NET Core is a blazing fast, lightweight and modular platform for...

.NET Core List, Queue, and Dictionary Data Structures backed by Couchbase

.NET Core List, Queue, and Dictionary Data Structures backed by Couchbase

The addition of the sub-document API to Couchbase 4.5 has paved the way for efficient data structure support in Couchbase. In this blog post, I’m going to show a demo of three types of data structures you can use with...

February 2, 2017