Tag: couchbase mobile 2.0

Test Couchbase Sync Gateway REST API interface using Postman

Test Couchbase Sync Gateway REST API interface using Postman

The Couchbase Sync Gateway is one of the core components of the Couchbase Mobile stack. At a high level, it is responsible for securely routing and syncing data between web and mobile clients and Couchbase server. It supports a REST...

Introducing JOIN Queries in Couchbase Mobile

Introducing JOIN Queries in Couchbase Mobile

Couchbase Lite 2.0 supports the ability to perform JOINS across your JSON documents . This is part of the new Query interface based on N1QL, Couchbase’s declarative query language that extends SQL for JSON. If you are familiar with SQL,...

Certificate Pinning in Android with Couchbase Mobile

Certificate Pinning in Android with Couchbase Mobile

Couchbase Mobile 2.0 supports certificate pinning on all Couchbase mobile platforms. Certificate pinning is a technique used by applications to “pin” a host to it’s certificate/public key. Communication between Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway is encryped and secured using SSL/TLS....

Access to Shared Database Bucket from Web and Mobile Clients in Couchbase Mobile (Updated)

Access to Shared Database Bucket from Web and Mobile Clients in Couchbase Mobile (Updated)

With the release of Couchbase Mobile 1.5 and Couchbase Server 5.0,mobile ,web and desktop apps can seamlessly access documents in the same Couchbase Server bucket. This implies that a document created on the server via the Couchbase SDK will be...

Introducing the New Data Replication Protocol in Couchbase Mobile 2.0

Introducing the New Data Replication Protocol in Couchbase Mobile 2.0

In a distributed system, updates to a shared database from multiple clients will have to be synchronized. The goal of the replication process is to ensure that all the mobile clients and the server(s) have a consistent view of the...

Access to Shared Couchbase Database Bucket From Mobile and Web Clients

Access to Shared Couchbase Database Bucket From Mobile and Web Clients

There is an updated version of this post here With the release of Sync Gateway 1.5 and Couchbase Server 5.0, mobile and web clients can seamlessly access documents in the same Couchbase Server bucket. This implies that a document created...