Tag: couchbase autonomous operator

Navigating Kubernetes Vulnerabilities with the Autonomous Operator

Navigating Kubernetes Vulnerabilities with the Autonomous Operator

The first critical vulnerability in the Kubernetes container orchestration platform was disclosed earlier this month.  This vulnerability affects all versions of Kubernetes greater than 1.0.0. It also affects RedHat OpenShift platform versions greater than 3.0.0. In this post we look...

How to Certify Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Azure AKS

How to Certify Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Azure AKS

Our goal on the Couchbase Kubernetes testing team is to rigorously test the Autonomous Operator (AO) and certify the underlying Couchbase Server clusters that the AO manages. We test the AO for proper creation, management, and failure recovery of the...

Korrigan Clark December 11, 2018
Curated Couchbase Containers on AWS Marketplace for Containers

Curated Couchbase Containers on AWS Marketplace for Containers

Couchbase has a strong and long lasting relationship with AWS going back to 2012.  Today we are thrilled to announce that Couchbase and AWS are building upon that relationship with, Couchbase being a featured launch partner for the AWS Marketplace for...

Shomari Liburd November 27, 2018
Couchbase Autonomous Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11

Couchbase Autonomous Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11

We are excited to be part of the Red Hat announcement of OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 version. In this release, Red Hat is extending application Operator capabilities to OpenShift in a Developer Preview capacity, allowing customers to take advantage of...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator with Persistent Volumes on Azure AKS

Couchbase Autonomous Operator with Persistent Volumes on Azure AKS

We are super excited to announce industry FIRST NoSQL Database natively integrated with kubernetes (k8s) API, via CRD, giving immense power, agility, cloud portability to the customers so that they can be free from Managing or administering Couchbase Cluster Worrying...

Ram Dhakne September 4, 2018