Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 5 – ASP.NET CRUD

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 5 – ASP.NET CRUD

Part 1 covered how to install and setup Couchbase on Windows Part 2 covered some Couchbase lingo that you’ll need to know Part 3 showed the very simplest example of using Couchbase in ASP.NET In Part 4, I did some...

May 31, 2016
Full Text Search in .NET with Couchbase 4.5

Full Text Search in .NET with Couchbase 4.5

Full Text Search (or FTS) is a new feature that is being released as a developer preview in Couchbase 4.5. It is not meant for production, and is not yet supported, but it is a glimpse at things to come....

May 19, 2016
Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 4 – Linq2Couchbase

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 4 – Linq2Couchbase

Part 1 covered how to install and setup Couchbase on Windows Part 2 covered some Couchbase lingo that you’ll need to know Part 3 showed the very simplest example of using Couchbase in ASP.NET In this blog post, I’m going...

May 18, 2016
Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 3 – ASP.NET MVC

Couchbase with Windows and .NET – Part 3 – ASP.NET MVC

This blog post is part 3 of a series: Part 1 covered how to install and setup Couchbase on Windows Part 2 covered some Couchbase lingo that you’ll need to know Are you ready to write some code? In this...

May 13, 2016
Couchase ASP.NET Integration Beta 3 released!

Couchase ASP.NET Integration Beta 3 released!

Today we pushed Beta 3 of the Couchbase ASP.NET Integration packages to NuGet! Formally known as Couchbase Caching and Session providers, this project contains or will contain implementations of various API’s (Caching/Session providers, Identity, etc) for integration between Couchbase Server...

The Couchbase ASP.NET Identity Storage Provider: Part 1

The Couchbase ASP.NET Identity Storage Provider: Part 1

The ASP.NET Identity System is a new collection of software components for supporting authourization and authentication within ASP.NET applications. It provides significant improvements over the previous ASP.NET Membership and Simple Membership and aims to make it easier support non-relational backing...

.NET Couchbase Client Instrumentation with ASP.NET and Glimpse

.NET Couchbase Client Instrumentation with ASP.NET and Glimpse

The .NET Client Library provides detailed error information by way of its IOperationResult interface.  To find out why a store operation failed, use ExecuteStore instead of Store. var result = client.ExecuteStore(StoreMode.Add, “key”, “value”); if (! result.Success) { Console.WriteLine(“Operation failed with...

XDCR with ASP.NET and Nancy

XDCR with ASP.NET and Nancy

You’re probably aware of the new Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR) feature of Couchbase Server 2.0.  Its most obvious utility is to allow you to replicate data from one Couchbase cluster to another.  However, there are more novel use cases...