Tag: Array Index

Couchbase Lands A Third Database Patent

Couchbase Lands A Third Database Patent

It seems that with our third database patent, Couchbase is keeping the US Patent & Trademark Office very busy. We are thrilled to announce that Couchbase has been granted its third database patent in the last nine months. The Third...

Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Arrays in JSON: Modeling, Querying and Indexing Performance

Array is THE difference between the relational model and the JSON model.   — Gerald Sangudi Abstract JSON array gives you flexibility in the type of elements,  number of elements, size of the elements, and the depth of the elements.  This...

August 4, 2020
N1QL enhancements in 4.5.1 – Part1

N1QL enhancements in 4.5.1 – Part1

Couchbase is all about enabling more and more enterprise applications to leverage and adopt NoSQL/JSON data model. N1QL simplifies this transition from traditional Relational databases, and is built with tons of features to achieve best of both worlds. Continuing the...