Results for: sync function

Using N1QL with Couchbase Eventing Functions.

Using N1QL with Couchbase Eventing Functions.

Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. — Winston Churchill Updating data is usually not the end, but usually a progress of a...

October 20, 2018
Timers in Couchbase Functions

Timers in Couchbase Functions

We are pleased to announce the support of Timers in Couchbase 6.0 Beta release. This is the an important innovation in Couchbase Functions that enables asynchronous compute in reference to wall-clock events. Timers are constructs by which developers can specify...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

This post will dive into the use of the Couchbase Eventing Service in the Couchbase Silicon Valley 2017 technical keynote demonstration application. If you aren’t already familiar with the demo or Couchbase Eventing Service, take a look at the resources...

Alexa Skills with Azure Functions and Couchbase

Alexa Skills with Azure Functions and Couchbase

Alexa Skills are the “apps” that you can build to run on Amazon devices like the Echo, Echo Dot, etc. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to build an Alexa skill using serverless Azure Functions and a Couchbase backend...

February 13, 2018
Sharing and Syncing Data between iOS Apps and App Extensions across devices

Sharing and Syncing Data between iOS Apps and App Extensions across devices

This post discusses how to use Couchbase Mobile to share data between your iOS App and iOS App Extension across devices. In an earlier post, we discussed how you can use Couchbase Lite as a standalone, embedded data store to share...

Azure Functions and Lazy Initialization with Couchbase Server

Azure Functions and Lazy Initialization with Couchbase Server

Azure Functions are still new to me, and I’m learning as I’m going. I blogged about my foray into Azure Functions with Couchbase over a month ago. Right after I posted that, I got some helpful feedback about the way...

September 15, 2017
Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang

Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang

Not too long ago I had written about using the Couchbase Server subdocument API with the Go SDK. Doing subdocument operations is incredibly useful if you’d like to change or access a part of a potentially huge NoSQL document. Subdocument...

Azure Functions with Couchbase Server

Azure Functions with Couchbase Server

Azure Functions are Microsoft’s answer to Amazon’s Lambdas or Google’s Cloud Functions (aka “serverless” architecture). They give you a way to deploy small pieces of code, and let Azure handle the underlying server. I’ve never used them before, so I...

August 9, 2017
Synchronizing Images Between Android and iOS with NativeScript, Angular, and Couchbase

Synchronizing Images Between Android and iOS with NativeScript, Angular, and Couchbase

A few weeks ago I had written a guide that demonstrated saving captured images to Couchbase Lite as base64 encoded string data in a NativeScript with Angular mobile application. While the previous guide worked for both Android and iOS, the...

FakeIt Series 5 of 5: Rapid Mobile Development with Sync-Gateway

FakeIt Series 5 of 5: Rapid Mobile Development with Sync-Gateway

How we can leverage FakeIt + Couchbase Server + Sync Gateway to get our local environment up and running for mobile development. We will be doing this by using Docker and docker-compose.

Data Synchronization Across iOS Devices Using Couchbase Mobile

Data Synchronization Across iOS Devices Using Couchbase Mobile

This post looks at how you get started with data replication/synchronization across iOS devices using Couchbase Mobile. The Couchbase Mobile Stack comprises of Couchbase Server, Sync Gateway and Couchbase Lite embedded NoSQL Database. In an earlier post, we discussed how...