Results for: mongodb

Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase

Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase

Prologue This article guides you through a one-time MongoDB migration to Couchbase. You will learn how to export from the MongoDB data structure, import to Couchbase, and do some basic transformation on those documents. All code from this blog is...

Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase, Part 2

Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase, Part 2

Prolog The previous article provided details on how to migrate a MongoDB data set to Couchbase Server. This article shows you how to use the Couchbase SDK to access the data via a Java console application. Code snippets show how...

Analyze This: MongoDB & Couchbase Analytics.

Analyze This: MongoDB & Couchbase Analytics.

The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.  — Richard Hamming The spiral of running the business, analyzing what to change & what to change to, and then changing the business is an eternal one. Do the right analysis, your...

June 23, 2020
Couchbase Intro for MongoDB Developers and NoSQL Experts

Couchbase Intro for MongoDB Developers and NoSQL Experts

Six thousand years ago, the Sumerians invented writing for transaction processing — Gray & Reuter By any measure, MongoDB is a popular document-oriented JSON database. In the last dozen years, it has grown from its humble beginnings of a single...

April 25, 2020
NoSQL Document Database Replication – MongoDB vs. Couchbase

NoSQL Document Database Replication – MongoDB vs. Couchbase

Replication has been a crucial part of Database Systems for decades for providing availability and disaster recovery. In recent times, with the evolution of distributed databases to address the need for highly available, scalable and globally distributed deployments operating across...

FTS and N1QL: Better MongoDB in Operator Performance Querying Multiple Arrays

FTS and N1QL: Better MongoDB in Operator Performance Querying Multiple Arrays

Introduction Couchbase Full Text Search (FTS) is a great fit for indexing multiple arrays and executing queries with multiple filter predicates in arrays.  In this article, I’ll demonstrate the advantages of using FTS over GSI (Global Secondary Index) for array...

Couchbase’s N1QL Query Shatters the Limits of MongoDB™

Couchbase’s N1QL Query Shatters the Limits of MongoDB™

As NoSQL adoption grows, developers and enterprises alike require a general purpose database to replatform their mission-critical applications and services. These databases are no longer used only by backend services that need sub-second access to the data, but also by...

March 25, 2019
Couchbase beats MongoDB™ with greater flexibility and stronger availability for geo-distributed applications

Couchbase beats MongoDB™ with greater flexibility and stronger availability for geo-distributed applications

Today’s businesses compete in a digital economy where downtime can be deadly. But keeping data highly available is never as simple as backing up one database to be an up-to-the-second copy of another. Instead, modern databases have to function in...

Couchbase – Better Scale-Out, Agility and High Availability than MongoDB

Couchbase – Better Scale-Out, Agility and High Availability than MongoDB

The NoSQL revolution was born in 2006 with the publication of the Google BigTable paper as internet scale applications could not get the performance, agility and availability they needed from relational databases like Oracle. The following are now key considerations...

February 5, 2019
Searching JSON: compare text search in Couchbase and MongoDB.

Searching JSON: compare text search in Couchbase and MongoDB.

“Apps without search is like Google homepage without the search bar.” It’s hard to design an app without a good search.  These days, it’s also hard to find a database without a built-in search. MySQL to NoSQL, Sybase to Couchbase,...

December 21, 2018
YCSB-JSON: Implementation for Couchbase and MongoDB

YCSB-JSON: Implementation for Couchbase and MongoDB

YCSB is a great benchmarking tool built to be easily extended by any driver which supports and implements basic operations like: insert, read, update, delete and scan. Plain synthetic data introduced by YCSB fits this paradigm perfectly. But when it comes...

October 6, 2018
How to Join JSON: Couchbase N1QL vs. MongoDB Query

How to Join JSON: Couchbase N1QL vs. MongoDB Query

As NoSQL databases evolved, each added higher level APIs or languages to help programmers to complex things easily. SQL, having done that for relational data, showed the way. In SQL, developers say WHAT needs to be done and the database...

July 11, 2018