The first in a series of new books on Couchbase Server was released by O'Reilly at the beginning of the month. 

Extreme Scalability at Your Fingertips

>Getting Started with Couchbase Server combines a wealth of information about deployment and managing your existing Couchbase Server cluster with a quick guide to developing basic applications using the Couchbase client libraries. 

What I tried to do was select the critical administration operations and tasks that you need when running a Couchbase Server 1.8 cluster, including expanding (and shrinking) the size of your cluster – a key part of our elastic nature. Also included is a background guide to the statistics that you need to monitor, including where to find them within the administration console. 

None of this material or information is designed to replace or supplant the information that we have in the main Couchbase Server manual, but it should provide a handy, offline, guide to the information. 

You can get more information over at the O'Reilly site: 

Meanwhile, I've already started work on the followup title,, and please feel free to let me know if you there's something you would specifically like to see in that title. 


Posted by MC Brown

Mc Brown is a Vice President, Technical Publications & Education at Couchbase. Responsible for building the documentation & supporting information.

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