Our intrepid NorthScalers have been doing some interesting work recently in memcached land… Last week, Dustin Sallings announced his memcached server implementation in Erlang, called EMemcached

Besides being a cool project, there's a surprising amount of interest in the mixture of memcached and Erlang, as you can see from the comments on Dustin's announcement post. Today, Patrick Galbraith announced that the memcached UDF's are now integrated into the Drizzle project's mainline.  Drizzle is an interesting fork of MySQL and these memcached UDF's (which were originally inspired by the memcached UDF's for MySQL) makes it easier than ever to work with memcached from the Drizzle RDBMS. As a last note, we're heads down cranking on incredibly cool Scale Out Data infrastructure.  Stay tuned!


Posted by The Couchbase Team

Jennifer Garcia is a Senior Web Manager at Couchbase Inc. As the website manager, Jennifer has overall responsibility for the website properties including design, implementation, content, and performance.

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