Welcome to the fifth episode of Coffee on Couchbase where we learn from Developers from around the world that are creating interesting projects.  From McHacks 2015, Andrew & Glavin together created the “RandomToDo” mobile app that randomly picks a group-connected task for you to complete where the task is visible and shared across to everyone that finishes it.  You are able to see an open feed of everyone’s experience and can also join in on the fun.  For the RandomToDo app, the team implemented the Couchbase Loopback-Connector with Angular to talk with their NoSQL cloud data store.  In the video we go through how the model objects are created and see how the data operations of the iOS version of the app, that is built using the Ionic Framework, is able to populate data points in real-time to the Couchbase Console.

Using N1QL as the query language and Angular APIs from Loopback, the team is able to create a mobile application that has a NoSQL database that is fast and scalable.  You can get started too over at the Couchbase Mobile developer portal and begin creating apps that scale!


Posted by William Hoang, Mobile Developer Advocate, Couchbase

William was a Developer Advocate on the Mobile Engineering/Developer Experience team at Couchbase. His love for coffee and code has transcended him into the world of mobile while appreciating the offline in-person experiences. Prior, William worked on the Developer Relations team over at Twitter, BlackBerry, and Microsoft while also having been a Software Embedded GPS engineer at Research In Motion. William graduated from McGill University in Electrical Software Engineering


  1. Andrew Valencik March 25, 2015 at 3:01 am

    You can check out our code at https://github.com/valencik/Ra

  2. Andrew Valencik March 25, 2015 at 3:27 am

    You can check out our code at https://github.com/valencik/Ra

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