Category: Couchbase Server

Divide and Conquer: Couchbase GSI Index partitioning.

Divide and Conquer: Couchbase GSI Index partitioning.

In Couchbase, data is always partitioned using the consistent hash value of the document key into vbukets which are stored on the data nodes.  Couchbase Global Secondary Index (GSI) abstracts the indexing operations and runs as a distinct service within...

April 11, 2018
Building an Observation Deck

Building an Observation Deck

A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer unusable. – Leslie Lamport, 1987 While those prescient words were uttered in 1987, it remains the case in...

Response Time Observability with the Java SDK

Response Time Observability with the Java SDK

Previous blogs gave a better understanding on how our approach to Real Time Observability (RTO) in general helps troubleshooting distributed systems and why we chose OpenTracing as a foundation and public API. If you haven’t already, you can check out...

April 9, 2018
What OpenTracing Is and Why It’s Important

What OpenTracing Is and Why It’s Important

We have previously discussed why system observability is important in distributed systems and the challenges that it can help to overcome – if you missed it, you can see Matt Ingenthron’s introduction to the problem here. Next, we will discuss why...

Authentication With X.509 Certificates

Authentication With X.509 Certificates

Data security is an important aspect of every modern data platform. With micro-service based architectures becoming more of a common pattern across every high-scale app, existing password based authentication mechanisms for user authentication is hard to manage at scale, let...

April 4, 2018
Understanding Index Grouping And Aggregation in Couchbase N1QL Query

Understanding Index Grouping And Aggregation in Couchbase N1QL Query

Couchbase N1QL is a modern query processing engine designed to provide aggregate SQL for JSON by index on distributed data with a flexible data model. Modern databases are deployed on massive clusters. Using JSON provides a flexible data mode. N1QL...

April 3, 2018
Define Your Own Durability Requirements in Couchbase with the SDKs

Define Your Own Durability Requirements in Couchbase with the SDKs

As a Developer Advocate at Couchbase, I go to many events and interact with a great deal of developers. When talking about Couchbase, I get a lot of questions around the durability of data that is being created. For example,...

Auto-FailOver Features in Couchbase Server 5.5

Auto-FailOver Features in Couchbase Server 5.5

Couchbase further improves high availability for mission-critical deployments and reduces operator intervention. Couchbase enhances the detection of common disk failures and automatically fails over the node with bad disks saving operators time and energy. It also handles multiple server failures...

Developing a Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Application with Node.js and NoSQL

Developing a Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Application with Node.js and NoSQL

I’ve been following cryptocurrency-related subjects such as Bitcoin for a few months now and I’m very fascinated with everything that has been going on. As a web application developer, one topic that I’ve been particularly interested in learning more about...

Geospatial Search With ASP.NET Core, Aurelia, Google Maps

Geospatial Search With ASP.NET Core, Aurelia, Google Maps

Geospatial search is now fully supported in Couchbase Server 5.5. Check out the Couchbase Server 5.5 announcement, and download the developer build for free right now. In this post, I’m going to demonstrate the geospatial capabilities of Couchbase Full Text...

March 23, 2018
IPv6 Galore With Couchbase

IPv6 Galore With Couchbase

Every single device on the internet, whether it be a laptop computer, cell phone, camera, or even your TV has an IP address. The total number of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses is over 4 billion, which is far...

March 22, 2018
Geospatial queries: Using Python to search cities

Geospatial queries: Using Python to search cities

Using Python we are creating a tool that will use geospatial queries with Couchbase REST API and Couchbase Full Text Search, which will help us in searching a database of cities.