Category: Best Practices and Tutorials

Your Guide to User-Defined Functions in Couchbase Analytics

Your Guide to User-Defined Functions in Couchbase Analytics

User-defined functions put you in the driver’s seat when it comes to querying and analyzing your data. In the Couchbase ecosystem, user-defined functions (UDFs) are reusable and parameterizable SQL++ queries that enable you to modularize queries and increase code reuse...

August 26, 2021
N1QL Now Supports User-Defined Functions

N1QL Now Supports User-Defined Functions

Declarative query languages have been a major gear shift in the world of database engines. The SQL++ query language (formerly N1QL) is primarily a declarative query language. You tell the query what to get and N1QL works out the rest...

How to Use Full-Text Search across Couchbase Scopes & Collections

How to Use Full-Text Search across Couchbase Scopes & Collections

The Full-Text Search Service now offers better search performance and resource utilization across your cluster with the introduction of Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7.0. Let’s take a quick step back: The 7.0 release of Couchbase Server introduces the concept...

August 19, 2021
5 Steps to Streamline Your N1QL Queries & Migrate to Collections

5 Steps to Streamline Your N1QL Queries & Migrate to Collections

If you’re looking to migrate your data from a relational database to NoSQL, then now’s a better time than ever. The recent release of Couchbase 7.0 introduced Scopes and Collections – a new way to organize your JSON data. More...

August 16, 2021
Boost Query Efficiency with Cost-Based Optimization in Couchbase

Boost Query Efficiency with Cost-Based Optimization in Couchbase

Database users of every kind have come to expect cost-based optimization for their queries. It’s a standard feature of all traditional relational databases (RDBMS), but there hasn’t yet been a cost-based optimizer (CBO) for NoSQL document databases. That is, until...

August 10, 2021
Amp Up Your Data Analysis with the New ROLLUP Aggregation in Couchbase Analytics

Amp Up Your Data Analysis with the New ROLLUP Aggregation in Couchbase Analytics

I’m excited to announce two new powerful data analysis capabilities now available as part of Couchbase Analytics: 1) ROLLUP aggregation, and 2) CUBE functionality, both to help you aggregate data across multiple document attributes. The addition of the ROLLUP aggregation...

August 4, 2021
How (and Why) to Use Couchbase as an XML Database

How (and Why) to Use Couchbase as an XML Database

Couchbase and XML – no problem! I’ve heard it said dozens of times: “Hey, Couchbase is great but I use XML.” I recognize that countering with, “Couchbase can be your XML database” is pretty bold, especially for a JSON-oriented document...

4 Patterns for Microservices Architecture in Couchbase

4 Patterns for Microservices Architecture in Couchbase

Microservices have emerged as a common architecture pattern over the last decade. In this approach, small, autonomous and loosely coupled services work together over a distributed network. Each microservice is typically delimited to a specific function and business boundary, runs...

Using the Java SDK for Couchbase: The Basics of Get & Upsert

Using the Java SDK for Couchbase: The Basics of Get & Upsert

Using Java with Couchbase doesn’t have to be hard, even for a new developer. In this quickstart tutorial, we’re going to walk through the basics of creating and fetching JSON documents in Couchbase using the Java SDK. With minimalist code...

July 20, 2021
How to Use Couchbase as a Machine Learning Model Store [Part 2 of 2]

How to Use Couchbase as a Machine Learning Model Store [Part 2 of 2]

When it comes to machine learning, a lot is said and written about training your ML models. But of equal importance is where you store those models once you’re ready to serve up real-time predictions. Last week, we looked at...

5 Use Cases for Real-Time Prediction Serving Systems with Couchbase [Part 1 of 2]

5 Use Cases for Real-Time Prediction Serving Systems with Couchbase [Part 1 of 2]

Every machine learning use case has different performance needs, and when it comes to ML-powered enterprise prediction serving systems, it’s no different. A machine learning (ML) model takes an input (e.g., an image) and makes a prediction about it (e.g.,...

OIDC Authorization Code Flow for Client Authentication in Couchbase Sync Gateway [Part 3 of 3]

OIDC Authorization Code Flow for Client Authentication in Couchbase Sync Gateway [Part 3 of 3]

Couchbase Sync Gateway supports OpenID Connect or OIDC-based client authentication. In this context, clients may be Couchbase Lite clients that synchronize data with Sync Gateway over the Internet using the websockets-based replication protocol or they could be web frontend or...