Category: Best Practices and Tutorials

Create a GraphQL-Powered API with PHP and NoSQL

Create a GraphQL-Powered API with PHP and NoSQL

If you’ve been keeping up, you’ll know that I’ve been writing a sort-of mega series around developing with GraphQL and Couchbase. In past tutorials we’ve explored how to use GraphQL with Java, how to use GraphQL with Node.js, and how...

Create a Full Text Search Typeahead With Go, jQuery, NoSQL

Create a Full Text Search Typeahead With Go, jQuery, NoSQL

About a week ago I write a tutorial for implementing a typeahead search with Node.js and jQuery. A typeahead is one of many great use-cases when using full text search (FTS), but it certainly isn’t the only use-case. As many...

10 other things that developers must know about Couchbase

10 other things that developers must know about Couchbase

Couchbase Server 5.0 and 5.5 were two big releases. Let’s see some of the new cool and old features which developers can’t miss out: 1) Sub Documents This feature has been here for a while, but it’s still worth to...

Tutorial: Build a Points of Interest App with Vue.js, Node.js, Express, and Couchbase Server

Tutorial: Build a Points of Interest App with Vue.js, Node.js, Express, and Couchbase Server

Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll build a full stack application using Vue.js, Node.js, Express, and Couchbase Server. In addition to those frameworks, we’ll use the Google Maps and Here Places REST APIs. Tl;dr clone the repo here. Contents What We’ll...

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Over the past few months I’ve been writing a GraphQL series using the Go programming language. First we saw how to get started with GraphQL and Go, followed by an alternative way to handle data relationships by using resolvers on...

10 other things that Devops/Sys Admins must know about Couchbase

10 other things that Devops/Sys Admins must know about Couchbase

1- Couchbase has a Restful API for Administrative tasks Couchbase’s Web Console is just a consumer of the Administrative Restful API. As such, you can automate nearly any operation that would normally require you to log into the web console:...

KOPS: Running Couchbase Cluster on Kubernetes at Scale

KOPS: Running Couchbase Cluster on Kubernetes at Scale

Put in simple terms, kops is kubectl for kubernetes (k8s) clusters. The power of kubernetes is that it removes vendor lock-in, provides portability for your apps, databases incase decision gets made to different cloud vendor or if the cloud workflows...

Ram Dhakne July 11, 2018
JWT Authentication with GraphQL, Node.js & Couchbase NoSQL

JWT Authentication with GraphQL, Node.js & Couchbase NoSQL

A few months ago when I had first started learning about GraphQL, I had written a previous tutorial for using it with Couchbase and Node.js. The tutorial focused on the basics which included creating GraphQL objects and querying those objects...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

This post will dive into the use of the Couchbase Eventing Service in the Couchbase Silicon Valley 2017 technical keynote demonstration application. If you aren’t already familiar with the demo or Couchbase Eventing Service, take a look at the resources...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

Note: This post uses the the Couchbase Analytics Data Definition Language as of the version 5.5 preview release.  For updates and information on breaking changes in newer versions, please refer to Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service. The application built for...

Couchbase with Kotlin, Spring Boot and Spring Data

Couchbase with Kotlin, Spring Boot and Spring Data

Last year I started learning Kotlin and I was surprised at how easy it was to convert a Java application. IntelliJ and a few other IDEs offer nice tools for automatic conversion, and with a few adjustments you can end...

Tutorial: RecyclerView with Couchbase Lite as Data Source in Android

Tutorial: RecyclerView with Couchbase Lite as Data Source in Android

The RecyclerView widget is a popular option on the Android platform for efficiently displaying dynamic data collections .Couchbase Lite 2.0 is a powerful NoSQL embedded data store for iOS, Android and .Net Mobile Platforms. In this post, we introduce a...