Category: Application Design

Optimizing Database Pagination using Couchbase N1QL.

Optimizing Database Pagination using Couchbase N1QL.

Background: How does Google do it? When you google something or anything, it gives you back top relevant results, tells you an approximate number of documents for your topic — all under a second.   Here are some high-level pointers:

Keshav Murthy November 2, 2017
Create a RESTful API with Node.js, Hapi, and Couchbase NoSQL

Create a RESTful API with Node.js, Hapi, and Couchbase NoSQL

Developing Node.js applications with Express is no doubt a very popular option, however it isn’t the only option and it may not even be the best option. I recently started looking into Hapi which defines itself as being a framework...

Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase

Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase

Dependency Injection is a design pattern that makes coding easier. It saves you the hassle of instantiating objects with complex dependencies, and it makes it easier for you to write tests. With the Couchbase.Extensions.DependencyInjection library (GitHub), you can use Couchbase...

Matthew Groves September 8, 2017
Midwest JS Project Source on Full Stack Node Development, Available

Midwest JS Project Source on Full Stack Node Development, Available

Back in August I had participated in Midwest JS located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As you may know, I’m a huge fan of developing full stack applications with the JavaScript stack. This is exactly what I had presented on at the conference. My...

Developing a User Profile Store with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Developing a User Profile Store with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Remember the tutorial series I wrote in regards to creating a user profile store with Node.js and NoSQL? That tutorial covered a lot of ground, from creating a RESTful API with Node.js, handling user sessions, data modeling, and of course...

Aggregate grouping with N1QL / MapReduce

Aggregate grouping with N1QL / MapReduce

Aggregate grouping is what I’m titling this blog post, but I don’t know if it’s the best name. Have you ever used MySQL’s GROUP_CONCAT function or the FOR XML PATH('') workaround in SQL Server? That’s basically what I’m writing about...

Matthew Groves August 22, 2017
Bringing Your User Profile Store to Mobile with NativeScript and Angular

Bringing Your User Profile Store to Mobile with NativeScript and Angular

Continuing down the path of user profile stores, we had previously seen how to create one with Node.js and Couchbase NoSQL as well as a web client front-end for it using Angular. What if we wanted to take this into...

Use TypeScript, Angular as the Front-End for Your User Profile Store

Use TypeScript, Angular as the Front-End for Your User Profile Store

I recently wrote a tutorial titled, Creating a User Profile Store with Node.js and a NoSQL Database, as it is a very popular subject and use-case when it comes to NoSQL databases. In that tutorial, we created an API using Node.js...

Create a User Profile Store with Node.js and a NoSQL Database

Create a User Profile Store with Node.js and a NoSQL Database

There are many use-cases for NoSQL databases, one that I encounter frequently is creating a user profile store and session. This use-case lends itself to a NoSQL database. Profiles often need to be flexible and accept data changes. While possible...

Deploy a PHP with Couchbase Application as Docker Containers

Deploy a PHP with Couchbase Application as Docker Containers

Earlier in the year I wrote about containerizing applications written in various development technologies that communicate with Couchbase Server. For example, I had written about deploying a Golang application with Docker, a Java application with Docker, and a Node.js application...

Persist and Abstract Data in a Nativescript Typescript Application

Persist and Abstract Data in a Nativescript Typescript Application

Couchbase is a great tool to persist data inside our app. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a document object storage that allows you to save your data. If you are using NativeScript-Angular, there are already some great tutorials...

Data Sharing with Couchbase Lite between iOS Apps and App Extensions

Data Sharing with Couchbase Lite between iOS Apps and App Extensions

This post discusses how to use Couchbase Lite as an embedded database to share data between your iOS App and iOS App Extension.  App Extensions implement a specific task or functionality that can be exposed to other apps on the device...