Category: Application Design

Typeahead: Develop with Couchbase Full-Text Search & Node.js

Typeahead: Develop with Couchbase Full-Text Search & Node.js

Over the past year or so I’ve written a variety of tutorials around the full-text search (FTS) service of Couchbase, most of which are specific examples of how to do something with one of the SDKs and never really anything...

Processing GraphQL Queries with Java, Spring Boot, and NoSQL

Processing GraphQL Queries with Java, Spring Boot, and NoSQL

Over the span of the past few months I’ve been learning about GraphQL and how to use it as an alternative to RESTful API development. The focus thus far had been around GraphQL and Golang as well as GraphQL and...

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Over the past few months I’ve been writing a GraphQL series using the Go programming language. First we saw how to get started with GraphQL and Go, followed by an alternative way to handle data relationships by using resolvers on...

How to Join JSON: Couchbase N1QL vs. MongoDB Query

How to Join JSON: Couchbase N1QL vs. MongoDB Query

As NoSQL databases evolved, each added higher level APIs or languages to help programmers to complex things easily. SQL, having done that for relational data, showed the way. In SQL, developers say WHAT needs to be done and the database...

Keshav Murthy July 11, 2018
JWT Authentication with GraphQL, Node.js & Couchbase NoSQL

JWT Authentication with GraphQL, Node.js & Couchbase NoSQL

A few months ago when I had first started learning about GraphQL, I had written a previous tutorial for using it with Couchbase and Node.js. The tutorial focused on the basics which included creating GraphQL objects and querying those objects...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

This post will dive into the use of the Couchbase Eventing Service in the Couchbase Silicon Valley 2017 technical keynote demonstration application. If you aren’t already familiar with the demo or Couchbase Eventing Service, take a look at the resources...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

Note: This post uses the the Couchbase Analytics Data Definition Language as of the version 5.5 preview release.  For updates and information on breaking changes in newer versions, please refer to Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service. The application built for...

Couchbase with Kotlin, Spring Boot and Spring Data

Couchbase with Kotlin, Spring Boot and Spring Data

Last year I started learning Kotlin and I was surprised at how easy it was to convert a Java application. IntelliJ and a few other IDEs offer nice tools for automatic conversion, and with a few adjustments you can end...

Building Elastic Microservices With Kubernetes, Spring Boot

Building Elastic Microservices With Kubernetes, Spring Boot

Apart from all the recent discussions about Kubernetes and whether you should Dockerize your database or not, today I would like to show you why those two things might be good solutions when scalability and elasticity is a big requirement...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: IoT Temperature Sensing Up Close

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: IoT Temperature Sensing Up Close

During Couchbase Connect Silicon Valley last Fall, we went through an extensive demonstration application that showed many of the capabilities of the Couchbase Data Platform. You can see the full video of the demonstration here. In some parts of the...

Data Modeling for Couchbase with erwin DM NoSQL

Data Modeling for Couchbase with erwin DM NoSQL

Given the architecture and design of NoSQL systems, especially the document family databases like Couchbase that do not enforce schema on write, data modeling for NoSQL can often be challenging when migrating from relational systems to NoSQL or when building...

Data Relationships – GraphQL & NoSQL in a Golang Application

Data Relationships – GraphQL & NoSQL in a Golang Application

By now I’m hoping that you’ve had a chance to look at my previous tutorial titled, Using GraphQL with Golang and a NoSQL Database, which is more or less a quick start for using GraphQL with Couchbase. There, we saw how...