Evan Pease | Couchbase Blog


All posts by Evan Pease

Why Couchbase Is the Best NoSQL Option for Red Hat OpenShift

Why Couchbase Is the Best NoSQL Option for Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat’s leadership in the container orchestration space with OpenShift mirrors Couchbase’s leadership in the containerized database space with its Autonomous Operator. This fact is the foundation of the partnership between Red Hat and Couchbase. I’ve personally worked on the...

April 13, 2020
Part 2: N1QL: To Query or To Analyze?

Part 2: N1QL: To Query or To Analyze?

When you need to query documents using SQL, there are two options available in Couchbase. The Query service and the Analytics service. Our blog, N1QL: To Query or To Analyze? provides a detailed overview of both services. I highly recommend...

March 4, 2020