There is an updated version of this post here

With the release of Sync Gateway 1.5 and Couchbase Server 5.0, mobile and web clients can seamlessly access documents in the same Couchbase Server bucket. This implies that a document created by a web app via the Couchbase SDK will be automatically replicated to the mobile clients through the Sync Gateway and vice versa.

To that end, we have developed a Travel Sample Application that demonstrates the power of unified bucket access from web and mobile clients. In addition to demonstrating the power of converged access, the sample mobile app gives a sneak peek into some of the advanced query features available in Couchbase 2.0

Here is a video recording of the demo –

This tutorial will walk you through the steps to install and run the sample application. In addition, the guide provides details of the architecture, the data model, UI workflows and the couchbase Lite queries. You will also find download links to the source code in the same guide.

Here is a sneak peek into the contents of the tutorial:


The source code for the Travel Sample Mobile App and Travel Sample Web App with Backend is available on Github. If you have suggestions ,feel free to submit a Pull Request on the repos.

If you have other questions or feedback, please leave a comment below or feel free to reach out to me at Twitter @rajagp or email me  The Couchbase Forums are another good place to reach out with questions.



Posted by Priya Rajagopal, Senior Director, Product Management

Priya Rajagopal is a Senior Director of Product Management at Couchbase responsible for developer platforms for the cloud and the edge. She has been professionally developing software for over 20 years in several technical and product leadership positions, with 10+ years focused on mobile technologies. As a TISPAN IPTV standards delegate, she was a key contributor to the IPTV standards specifications. She has 22 patents in the areas of networking and platform security.

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