Tag: Java

Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

This article introduces Data Structures and how they work with Couchbase Server 7.0 Scopes and Collections features. What are data structures? Couchbase Data Structures is an API feature that aligns the language of the database interface with a programming language....

Tyler Mitchell January 22, 2021
Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase, Part 2

Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase, Part 2

Prolog The previous article provided details on how to migrate a MongoDB data set to Couchbase Server. This article shows you how to use the Couchbase SDK to access the data via a Java console application. Code snippets show how...

Traveling with Couchbase using the Java SDK

Traveling with Couchbase using the Java SDK

At Couchbase Connect 2015 we demonstrated an example application that uses N1QL to query data from a sample Couchbase bucket. If you missed the conference, not a problem. We're going to go through how to reproduce this application and check...

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 2

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 2

On behalf of the SDK Engineering Team, I’m happy to introduce the second developer preview for the Couchbase JCache implementation. This new preview is still work in progress, a few features have been added and polished since last preview. As always,...

Preview using N1QL DP4 from the Java SDK

Preview using N1QL DP4 from the Java SDK

As some of you may know, the Query Team over at Couchbase have been working hard on a new and exciting feature, N1QL, which brings the power of query languages (like SQL) to Couchbase. They just release Developer Preview 4...

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 1

Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 1

On behalf of the SDK Engineering Team, I’m happy to announce that we’ve worked on an implementation of the JCache specification (JSR107) and so a developer preview is in order! The JCache specification allows developers to build their applications around...